Balanced Health & Wellness provides a peaceful, nurturing atmosphere, where you have access to the services that help you achieve your optimal wellness.

Our goal at Balanced Health & Wellness is to educate, nurture and support those of you who choose to attain and maintain your optimal personal health, where all facets of your health are considered an integral part of your total balanced health. Our focus is to assist you in becoming metabolically and physiologically younger inside and out.

We at Balanced Health & Wellness are committed as a team to enable our patients who choose to attain his/her own optimal health.  We are a source of education, support, and resource to serve those who choose to help themselves.  To map out a customized plan, we must know where an individual is AND where he/she wants to be.  Without this information, the most up to date atlas is useless.  Knowing these two points creates the opportunity to find the best path for each individual to get from wherever he/she is to wherever he/she needs to be. 

Dr. Alavi believes appropriate evaluation of an individual’s symptoms and comprehensive treatment of the underlying causes naturally through supporting the body with what it needs to repair and restore.  The same miracle within our bodies that has allowed us to live, never mind function, despite our many stressors of life (inadequate rest or sleep, missing meals, eating poorly, too much or too little, over or under exercising, emotional, infectious, injury, inflammation, toxicities, allergies,…) is still within us to correct our metabolism to replenish and restore.  When we are physiologically, metabolically healthy, our energy increases, our immune system is boosted, our weight normalizes, and our quality of life is enhanced.  When we support ourselves emotionally and spiritually by living our lives through conscious choice where our heart sings, we empower a more effortless life complete with unconditional love. 

ALL facets of health must be addressed.  Upon whatever our genetic base, we each have an optimal lifespan and state of health.  Optimal health must also include physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, nutritional, and hormonal well being.  Thus all facets of health must be addressed for optimal health.